How to Increase Font-Size for Printable Version of Customer View

There are 2 ways to increase font size for Printable Version of Customer View:
1) Print from the customer (or order tab) and limit the # of columns (see “customize this view“) to only the required information. Fewer columns = Larger font.
2) Use ‘Export to Excel’ and you can edit column/row/text size directly from Excel.

See the video below to see how to make your text/columns bigger before printing from excel



Essential Features for Report Results

When reviewing report results, there are several useful features that make your day-to-day more efficient and increase your business.
Showroom owners/managers may restrict their reps ability to Save and/or Print the report result.

Once a report is generated, there are many ways you can work with the result:

1) Clicking the printer icon allows you to print the report.

2) Clicking the floppy disk icon saves/exports the report. In the drop down menu next to the icon, you can select the file type the file will save as. Most commons formats are PDF and CSV (for Excel).

3) You can send a Personalized Bulk Email to all of the contacts within the report. You can also export a list of all email address within the report that you can use to create a bulk email.

4) You can email the report itself.

5) You can create a note under all of the customers within the report.

report features




Saved Searches

If you have a repeated report that you often use the same criteria, save time by saving the report criteria so you don’t have to reenter the filters every time.

1) Click “Save Report Criteria” near the top of the page.

2) Click “add current search” once the criteria you wish to save has been entered.

3) Enter a name you would like to save the search as. Click the green check mark.

4) Click “saved searches” for a list of your searches to appear. Delete your saved searches by clicking “remove all searches”

saved search reports

How to Block Exporting/Printing Reports and Other Information

Admin users/reps can prevent regular users/reps from printing/exporting reports or other private information, such as commissions and customer information.

From “setup categories”, select “showroom users,” click on the name you wish to apply restrictions to, and confirm that certain check-boxes are selected/un-selected:


settings--- users

1) “Allow Print Report on Customer View” is unchecked (you might want to also consider the options below this one because they relate to exporting)
These options help prevent the user from printing information on the main tabs (e.g. orders, invoices, etc.)

block export_printing1

2) “Allow reports result to email” is unchecked.
This prevents the user from emailing report information.

block export_printing3

3) “Allow Export from Views” is unchecked.
This will prevent the user from exporting-to-excel on the main tabs

block export_printing2

4) “hide Print option on report result” and “hide Save As option on report result” are checked
This will hide the printer icon and the save icon for all reports.

block export_printing4

You can choose the options that best fit your showroom policy.




restrict printing customer info