AutoTags identify repeat customers with missed bookings

Where: Customer View/Tab
Why: SE can identify Customers/Retailers that are missing recent bookings for reach-out

When a customer meets the conditions of an AutoTag rule you define, SE will tag them automatically. In below example, I have set up a rule where customers will be tagged when their last order of Humin was more than 3 months ago. Because my customer, Selfridges has not ordered Humin within 3 months, an Autotag appears, distinguishable from manual tags because of its green dot.

When a retailer/customer meets the rule conditions of an AutoTag (defined by you), they will be tagged automatically. In the example below, I have set up a rule where customers will be tagged when their last order of (mfr) Humin was more than 3 months ago. Because, Selfridges has not ordered Humin within 3 months, an AutoTag appears, distinguishable from manual tags because of its green dot and grey background.

If this particular customer has been contacted, or this tag is no longer relevant (e.g.; Customer is skipping the season) the tag may be marked as Complete by clicking the X icon. The Completion status can also be undone, brought back to its active state by clicking the ↺

Additionally if the customer places a new order for Humin, the tag will be automatically marked as Complete.

How to use the AutoTag label:

After a Tag is assigned and when a new order (or an existing order is edited) satisfies the condition of the rule, the tag will be greyed-out (change its status from [1] to [2]). Reps can also overwrite/toggle the status from [1] to [2] (and vice versa) by clicking the X or ↺. An AutoTag in the [2]nd status indicates the customer has met the rep’s expectation.

Enabling AutoTags:

(1) from the customer tab
(2) click customize-this-view
(3) select the Tags checkbox
(4) click [save selections] button
(5) confirm that the Tags column is visible

Creating an AutoTag rule:

(A) AutoTags appear in the same column as rep-assigned Tags.
To create your 1st rule, click the [AutoTags] icon on the column header.
(H) Click the [Add AutoTag Rule] button and populate (F), the name of the rule and (G), the condition that should trigger the customer getting AutoTagged

Disabling an AutoTag rule:

(E) AutoTag Rules can be disabled by toggling them off. If disabled, existing tags will be removed.

AutoTags appear under the Tag columns. By clicking Here, your showroom can request for the column header caption “Tags” to be renamed to a caption of your own choosing, e.g.; “Leads”, “Targets”, etc.

IF THE TAGS COLUMN IS NOT VISIBLE, use customize this view to enable it.

Bulk Updating of Market Call (Phone) icons

Bulk update your Market Call (Phone) icons…
– complete the following form to authorize a specific userId/rep from your team
once enabled you can filter by a specific Market Call (phone) icon 1st and next use the “time-bomb” icon to select and assign the new color – see attached/embedded screenshot below

Complete the following form…

[jotform id=”80850721838158″]

BULK Update Order Reps and Commissions

bulk update your Rep and Commission assignments for Orders.

once the bulk update is executed, it cannot be undone.

to authorize a member of your team to access the BULK update feature, please email with the subject line “Authorize {userId or team-member-name} for Order Reps and Commissions BULK Update”

the feature is accessed (from the order tab) as an icon next to the rep column that is filtered.

it functions in 2 modes:

“Override all rep/comm fields with the following selection”
this will update all orders in your current search criteria based on the assigned values and regardless of their existing values..

“Override the comm value for the Selected rep column”
this will ONLY update the comm value for all orders in your current search criteria based on the rep column selection.  e.g.; from the following below screenshot, if rep1 is selected, then 2% will be assigned to all comm1 field for the current filtered/displayed orders.

to finalize the bulk update, you must 1st click the “export current list” button, which will download a (pre-bulk-update) backup copy for future reference.  once the file has downloaded and you have reviewed it, click the Proceed button to process the bulk update.

a new checkbox, a new function – use the customer tab search result for reports

the new “use the customer selection from customer tab/view” checkbox that has been added to reports that have customer selection allows you to run reports using the current customer selection.

here is the process…
– visit the customer tab/view
– apply any filter(s), e.g.; by state, territory etc.
– go to the reports tab
– select a customer based reports, i.e.; reports that have a customer selection drop-down
– click to select the new “use the customer selection from customer tab/view” checkbox

the report will be generated using the customer selection from the customer tab/view

Customize Rankings

Admin users now have the ability to rename the default labels for the Ranking feature.

Now you can customize the purpose of the ranking feature while making its meaning clear to your whole team.

To customize your Ranking labels, click on the pencil next to “Ranking” at the top of the ranking column (as shown below). Enter your own labels and click save.


customize rankings

Import Excel Orders/POs Add-On

We’ve released a new add on that will allow showroom reps/users the ability to bulk import orders from excel sheets.

By entering your orders on an excel sheet, you not only save paper and make your business “greener,” but you can save time by not having to re-enter all of the information again into Showroom Exchange! Much like the Joor/NuOrder Import Module or the Invoice Import Module, you can import a large number of excel files at once, saving you time.

Once the feature is activated, go to the reports tab to import Excel Order Files

excel imports1



The following page is where you can select your Excel file or .zip file of multiple Excel files to import into Showroom Exchange.


A template of a PO Excel sheet is provided for your convenience, select the “Click Here” link to download the sample template file.

excel imports4


Below is the template Excel Order File that downloads when you click the link:
Excel Order Template


You can customize the Excel file for your showroom. you can change the logo, change the layout, etc.However ALL NAMED cells must also be included in your custom version. You can move these cells around, just make sure the name stays the same.

To be clear, the NAME of a cell is different than the value entered in the cell.

See the image below for a list of all of the cells with assigned names, as well as an example of a name in Excel.

excel imports9




Note: In the grid that contains the actual order, we use Excel mathematical equations to provide a unit total and an amount total to import into SE.

Once you have imported an excel file or a .zip file of Excel files, you will be taken to the page depicted below to verify your customer information and fill in any information that might have been missing from the Excel PO.

1) If the system is not recognizing a customer that is already an existing customer, select the “Assign” option to link the row to an existing customer.

2) “Map” means that this aspect of the customer has yet to be assigned. Click “Map” to select the correct value for the customer. If you try to save the customers and you see the warning “Please map customer data,” this suggests that there are still unassigned/missing values for the respective customer row.

3) Click “List Orders” to go to the next page

excel imports6




The order edit page is very similar to the previous page- here you can make edits, as well as add info that might not have been on the Excel PO, e.g.; rep, commission etc. Here too, you’ll find the “Map” option if something is missing on the excel order. If you can’t process the orders when you click “Import Orders,” look at the column on the far right to see an explanation as to why the order could not be imported. Make the edits to then properly save the orders.

excel imports 7






After clicking “Import Orders”, you’ll be taken to a confirmation page where you can see if your orders and customers were imported or not.

excel imports8

Waze Your Road Trip with Showroom Exchange

Showroom Exchange’s driving directions feature now has an option to send your trip plan to your Waze app!

Waze is a GPS-based navigation app for smartphones which provides turn-by-turn information and route details

Select the customers you want to visit as you normally would in the driving directions app (visit: for more info). Rather than clicking on “display route,” click on “waze it.”




An email will be sent to you. Open it on your smart-phone and it will look something like this…
Each link represents a different customer location. Click them one at a time to open the location in your Waze app.





Update “Profile” and “Rating” in Bulk

If you ever need to change the “profile” or “ratings” field for multiple customers, you can do so quickly by editing those fields in bulk.

Click on the “bomb” icon next to either “rating” or “profile” to revise the contents of the respective column. The feature will edit the profiles of the customers that have been pulled-up by searches and filters, not the entire customer base.
The entire customer base WILL BE updated if no filter (search-criteria) has been entered.

There are three kinds of edits you can make:
– Find and Replace: Look for existing content and replace it with a new one.
– Replace Entire Field Contents: Replace the entire field, regardless of its current content.
– Clear All: Clear fields of all selected customers.

Click “Proceed” to save your edits.

Why the “bomb” icon?
There is no UNDO button!

bulk update profile rating