Saved Searches/Views

With the “Saved Searches” feature, you can save searches or views (selection of columns) you use frequently to save time having to re-enter them. This also enables you to view only those columns that are relevant to your active task.

This feature is available on the customer, order, invoice, credit memo, and notes tab.

To save a search, first make sure the current search is cleared by clicking “clear search.” Next use customize this view to select the columns you wish to show/hide. More on customize this view here. In the example below, I’m creating a custom view (choosing specific columns) for my market calls, so I’ve chosen to only see customer name, contact, phone number, last cancel date, mfr, and market call notes.

saved searches1



If you’d like to enter a specific search to save, or save a specific segment of your customers, enter the search (i.e. everyone in a certain territory, everyone who has purchased in the last year, etc.)

Clicked “Saved Searches,” then “add current search,” then enter a name for this view/search you will remember, such as “mkt calls.”

saved searches2



To load a saved search, open the “Saved Searches” drop down menu and click on the saved search label you are looking for. The page will reload with the saved column view and the search criteria originally entered.
Best Practice:
For every task you do repeatedly, have a saved search for it, whether it’s market calls, checking distribution, or sending emails. You could also have a “simple” view for quick viewing essential information and a “full/standard” view to see everything.


Sorting Customers, Orders, Invoices, Etc.

Most views (pages) in Showroom Exchange (customer, order, invoice, and notes tab, etc.) allow you to sort your entries by multiple columns. For example, you can sort your customers alphabetically by their name.

To figure out how a page is currently sorted, look at the titles of the column headers. If there is a number with a green arrow above or below it, that means that your data is being sorted by that column (see example below) in ascending or descending order.

If the arrow is pointing up, that means that the column is being sorted alphabetically, beginning at the top and going down (A > Z). If the arrow is pointing down, the reciprocal is true (Z > A), descending order.




To clear or reset the current sorting criteria, click on the icon of the two red arrows pointing at each other.




After clicking this icon, you can reassign the sorting criteria by clicking on the column header title you’d like to sort by. For example, if you want to sort by state, click on “State” column header. If you’d like to sort by this column in the opposite direction, click on the title again to reverse the order. Click once more to remove sorting on the respective column.




If you want to consider a second sorting criteria, click on the title of the second column you’d like to sort by. For example, if you’d like to sort by state and within each state, you’d like to sort by customer name, first click on “State,” then click on “Customer.” Note the label 1 & 2 signifying the order of the sort.





Related: Want to skip the wait time when sorting multiple columns?



Access Social Media Profile of Your Contacts

Save a contact’s social media links in Showroom Exchange. Have the most complete record for all of your customers and potentials, and keep important information easily accessible.

Add a contact’s social media profile by clicking on the yellow pencil icon next to contact’s name when adding or editing customers, or click on the same yellow pencil icon next to the contact’s name in the contact column on the customer tab.


social media links




Once a contact’s social media page has been linked, you can click on the platform’s icon to see the profile on a new page.

social media links 2

How Can I Delete a Customer if they Have Orders Entered in the System?

How Can I Delete a Customer if they Have Orders Entered in the System?

Customer can not be deleted if they have orders (invoice, notes, etc.) associated with them.

purge delete




However, a user can override this block with the purge delete feature. Clicking this button allows the user to delete the customer profile and ALL associated records such as orders, invoices and notes. If you do not see the “Delete And Purge” button, please email to have it enabled.

purge delete1



If you want to keep these records, we suggest making the customer profile inactive rather than deleting it (see: 2 Reasons to Make a Customer Inactive)

Top Customers Report

The Top Customer Report is one the most frequently used reports. It to used to list customers with the most sales based on search criteria.

Under the reports tab (as shown below, 1), click on “Top Customers” (2). Hover the cursor over a report name to see a description of that report.

top customers

1. As shown below, first enter how many top customers you want to see (e.g. top 5, top 10, top 100).

2. Select the order status you would like to base your top customers on (e.g. top 10 customer based on active dollars over shipped dollars). We normally suggest using active over booked because it’s a more realistic since it considers any revisions/cancellations.

3. Select the filters you would like (e.g. top 10 customers over a certain time period, from a certain market, or from a certain state).

4. Select if you want to include inactive customers and manufacturers.

5. Click “Generate Report” to see the results.


top customers2



…is “rep selection.” If you are filtering by rep, decide between examining customers assigned reps or reps assigned to orders (rep1).



1. As shown below, the resulting report lists the top customers by rank, ordering them by dollar amount (2).

3. From the report, you can extract a customer’s email, make notes, and change market call labels.

top customers3

Hotspots Now Show Dense Regions

We’ve updated the customer mapping feature to highlight hotspots.

Blue/Yellow circles indicate low/high dense areas:

As you zoom in, hotspots adjust accordingly:


Map Customer Locations:

Customer Locations and Mapping

2 Ways of Mapping Customer Locations

Learn when it’s best to map customer locations with Google Maps v. Google Earth.

Check out this other post to learn more…


Driving Directions Between Customers

Find out the best route between your customers, the distance in miles, and about how much gas will cost.

Check out this other post to learn more…


Search for Customers by Zip Code

Add a mile radius around the zip code to search for your customers in a larger area.

Check out this other post to learn more…


Customer Search by Zip Code

When filtering/searching for customers, you may use the zip code column to search the surrounding region (e.g. 90210, as shown in the screenshot below).

After entering the zip code, press the tab key to then enter a mile radius around the zip code. Any customer with a valid address and zip code that meets the criteria will be included in the search.

In the resulting list of customers, an old-compass icon will be displayed following the zip code for each row. Clicking on the icon for a given customer will list the distance (in miles) from that customer’s address to the rest.

In the example below, “Soot Bull Jeep” is 2.6 miles from “Macy’s” and “Dream Scene” is 7.9 miles from “Macy’s.”
“Brass Nuckles” does not have a distance listed due to its inaccurate address.

To view customers in a specific zip code ONLY, e.g.; only 90210, after pressing tab, leave the default miles value as zero.


Once you’ve pulled up the customers within a given area, you can view them on a map, create driving directions, send bulk emails, etc.