Filter/Search Customers by Manufacturer Exclusions

There is a new manufacturer exclusion icon in the search row under the manage column. Clicking this icon will allow you to filter (or search) for your customers that are excluded from one, or several, of your manufacturers. Just check the mfr(s) you’d like to see all excluded customers for and click save.

If you’d like to only see customers without exclusions, there’s a checkbox at the bottom of the window labeled “Customers without a mfr exclusion” that you can select. Clicking save will show customers that are not excluded from any mfr.

Like all other forms of filtering and searching, this filter can be used with other column filters to make defined search lists. You can remove the search/filter by clicking “clear search”
Related: Exclude Manufacturers from Customer


mfr exclusion filtering

Manufacturer Exclusion Warning When Adding an Order

Now when you try to enter an order for a customer with a manufacturer they have been excluded from, a warning will be displayed. This is to notify you of an existing exclusion for the specific customer/manufacturer combination and give you the opportunity to reconsider.

Users can still enter orders with a warning sign. The warning does not block the ability to enter orders.

RELATED: Mfr Exclusion

The warning appears on the add record page…


mfr exclusion warning




As well as on JSC

mfr exclusion warning2



Customize Rankings

Admin users now have the ability to rename the default labels for the Ranking feature.

Now you can customize the purpose of the ranking feature while making its meaning clear to your whole team.

To customize your Ranking labels, click on the pencil next to “Ranking” at the top of the ranking column (as shown below). Enter your own labels and click save.


customize rankings

Order Type and Order Category

If you would like to further segment your orders, you can request to have the order type & order category feature to be activated (just reach out to us by emailing Use this feature to differentiate your orders into categories (such as jewelry, men’s, etc.) and types (such as immediate, reorder, show, etc.).


Once you have the feature available to your showroom, establish your Order Categories and Order Types under “Setup Categories.”

order type1


Click “add record” to create new order categories/types.

order type



When adding an order, you’ll be able to assign an order category, and optionally, an order type.

Once this feature is activated, order category is mandatory while order type is not. If you only care to use one of these features, use order categories.


order type2




Once you enter your orders with order categories and/or order types, you can filter (or sort) your orders with these 2 new attributes.

order type3



You can also filter most report results by order type and order category. The following reports have this filtering ability:

  • Top Customers
  • Sales by Mfr/Customer
  • Sales by Customer/Mfr
  • Annual Sales by Month
  • Forecasting Analysis by Season
  • Open Orders.



order type4

JSC – Clearing Java’s Cache

Occasionally you may be asked by a member of the Showroom Exchange support staff to “clear JSC cache”.
The following video demonstrates the process of clearing the JSC cache.
Though the recorded video is on the Windows platform, the process is similar for Mac. You can access the Java control panel from “System Preferences.”

Saved Searches/Views

With the “Saved Searches” feature, you can save searches or views (selection of columns) you use frequently to save time having to re-enter them. This also enables you to view only those columns that are relevant to your active task.

This feature is available on the customer, order, invoice, credit memo, and notes tab.

To save a search, first make sure the current search is cleared by clicking “clear search.” Next use customize this view to select the columns you wish to show/hide. More on customize this view here. In the example below, I’m creating a custom view (choosing specific columns) for my market calls, so I’ve chosen to only see customer name, contact, phone number, last cancel date, mfr, and market call notes.

saved searches1



If you’d like to enter a specific search to save, or save a specific segment of your customers, enter the search (i.e. everyone in a certain territory, everyone who has purchased in the last year, etc.)

Clicked “Saved Searches,” then “add current search,” then enter a name for this view/search you will remember, such as “mkt calls.”

saved searches2



To load a saved search, open the “Saved Searches” drop down menu and click on the saved search label you are looking for. The page will reload with the saved column view and the search criteria originally entered.
Best Practice:
For every task you do repeatedly, have a saved search for it, whether it’s market calls, checking distribution, or sending emails. You could also have a “simple” view for quick viewing essential information and a “full/standard” view to see everything.


Sorting Customers, Orders, Invoices, Etc.

Most views (pages) in Showroom Exchange (customer, order, invoice, and notes tab, etc.) allow you to sort your entries by multiple columns. For example, you can sort your customers alphabetically by their name.

To figure out how a page is currently sorted, look at the titles of the column headers. If there is a number with a green arrow above or below it, that means that your data is being sorted by that column (see example below) in ascending or descending order.

If the arrow is pointing up, that means that the column is being sorted alphabetically, beginning at the top and going down (A > Z). If the arrow is pointing down, the reciprocal is true (Z > A), descending order.




To clear or reset the current sorting criteria, click on the icon of the two red arrows pointing at each other.




After clicking this icon, you can reassign the sorting criteria by clicking on the column header title you’d like to sort by. For example, if you want to sort by state, click on “State” column header. If you’d like to sort by this column in the opposite direction, click on the title again to reverse the order. Click once more to remove sorting on the respective column.




If you want to consider a second sorting criteria, click on the title of the second column you’d like to sort by. For example, if you’d like to sort by state and within each state, you’d like to sort by customer name, first click on “State,” then click on “Customer.” Note the label 1 & 2 signifying the order of the sort.





Related: Want to skip the wait time when sorting multiple columns?



Customizing Your Excel PO Import

The video below is a demo of how you can adjust the excel order import template to fit your showroom’s identity. Most importantly, it covers cell names in excel, their significance, and how you can move/edit/delete them to your liking.

This article is related to the Excel Order Import Add-On feature. More on this feature here.

Using JSC with Chrome

If you cannot download JSC from Google Chrome, follow the instructions below…
STEP1: In your URL bar, enter: “chrome://flags/#enable-npapi” without the quotation marks
STEP2: Click the Enable link for the “Enable NP API” configuration option.
STEP3: Click the Relaunch button that now appears at the bottom of the configuration page.


Why do you have to do this?
see the following URL for more info…