SE $ captions + 2 methods of calculating Open $/%

interchangeable terms:
– brand/manufacturer/designer/collection
– customer/retailer

$ captions in SE…

Booked $ = Customer’s Original Booking $
Cancellation $ = Customer overbooked, Brand did not produce the style, etc.
Active $ = Booked $ – Cancellation $
Shipped $ = Shipped $s to the Customer
Open $ = Booked $ – Cancellation $ – Shipped $
CM $ or Negative Invoiced/Shipped = Returns from Customer to manufacturer/brand, e.g.; Damages

e.g.; $100 Booked, Cancelled $20, Active $80, Shipped $50, Open $/% $30/37.5%

Booked $100 = Original Booking $
Cancellation $20 = e.g.; Customer overbooked, Brand did not produce, etc.
Active $80 = Booked $ – Cancellation $
Shipped (or Invoiced) $50 = Partial (or full) Shipment by Brand to Customer
Open $30 = Active $ – Shipped $
Open 37.5% = Shipped $ / Active $
CM $ (Negative Invoiced/Shipped) = Returns from Customer to brand, e.g.; damages

another example (Order ships fully and there is a partial return)
Booked $100
Cancellation $0
Active $100
Shipped/Invoiced $100
CM $ (or Negative Invoiced/Shipped) $20

Open $/% Calc methods (A) and (B)

e.g.; $100 booked $100 shipped, $20 CM (or neg. invoice)

(A) open = $20
the $20 credit memos (or negative invoices) will leave the order with an open balance of $20.
if the remaining $20 balance is not expected to ship, a cancellation for $20 should be issued.
(B) open = $0
the remaining $20 balance is not expected to ship and cancellation is not required.

to modify the Open $/% calculation method for your showroom, please email

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