Booking Conflicts Report

This report identifies customers with conflicting orders for the respective manufacturer and market within a specified cancel date range and miles radius of one other.

In this example, we’re searching for a list of customers in conflict with the following criteria:
– Their (mfr) luna orders have deliveries from 05/25/2012 thru 06/05/2012 (for any market)
– Within 0.5 miles of one another

Booking Conflict Configuration

Our results display 2 sets of conflicting customers. e.g.; Tiffany’s & Co, Greenapples are in conflict with Dream Scene.

Booking Conflict Results



Reports Page

We have updated the reports view page in our ongoing efforts to make showroom exchange more user friendly.

So what’s new?

We have:
– simplified the title of all the reports
– added report descriptions (displayed on the right) to assist report selection
– grouped relevant reports

At the end of report descriptions, we have also included a reference to the old report name. e.g.; for Annual Sales by Month you will notice formerly: Sales Analysis by Year – Detailed

My Excel Reports Come Out As Gibberish

Excel Gibberish

When saving a report as a .xls, .xlsx, or .csv, the user must make sure they are opening with Excel. The most common mistake is opening these files with your browser. See sample below:

Excel Correct and Incorrect

First, make sure that you have Excel installed.

If it is installed, make sure to point to Microsoft Excel. This can be done by selecting the “Open With” dropdown and select “Microsoft Excel” (see above)

If Excel is not available on the list, then click “other” and then “Browse…”

Excel Other

Excel Browse

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\ and select Excel or Excel.exe

Excel Directory

If you have any difficulties, please contact your IT technician.


My PDF Reports Come Out As Gibberish

PDF Gibberish

When saving a report as a .PDF, the user must make sure they are opening with Adobe Reader. The most common mistake is opening a .PDF with your browser. See sample below:

PDF Correct and Incorrect

First, make sure that you have Adobe Reader installed, if not, you can obtain Adobe Reader free here:

If it is installed, make sure to point to Adobe Reader. This can be done by selecting the “Open With” dropdown and select “Adobe Reader.” (see above)

If Adobe Reader is not available on the list, then click “other” and then “Browse…”

Open With Other


Browse Other

In Windows 7, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader and select AcroRd32 or AcroRd32.exe

In Windows XP, navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader and select AcroRd32 or AcroRd32.exe

Path to Reader

If you have any difficulties, please contact your IT technician.